
  • Faculty Super Aggregator

    Faculty Super Aggregator

    The Faculty Super Aggregator allows a site to retrieve profile information from multiple external feeds and combines them with the local people listing/faculty directory data. This change adds an External XML URLs field to the faculty data file (/_resources/data/faculty.pcf) which accepts a comma-separated list of external feed URLs.

  • I am a, Colleges, and Other Locations sections of the main navigation

    Fix Main Menu Accordions on Resize

    The links in the gray and black regions in the main navigation could disappear under certain conditions. This issue has been resolved and should no longer occur.

  • Three CTA Buttons in the Spotlight Panel component

    Third CTA Button Added to Spotlight Panel Component

    The Spotlight Panel + Chevron + CTA Buttons component has been updated to support three CTA buttons. Previously it supported up to two buttons.

  • An example article with updated heading and byline styles along with social media links

    NewsCenter Article Changes

    The Minimal heading style for news articles was updated to decrease the vertical whitespace. Additional changes include: featured video, social media share links, fixes for image alignment, improved appearance for the More From and Next Story features, and updates to the appearance of the News Pre-Footer.

  • Red button for the News Filter on the news listing page

    NewsCenter List Changes

    Adjusted the appearance of the News Listing page and the News Pre-Footer. The most prominent change was to make the News Filter button red instead of black. Most of the other changes were related to margins and flex alignment at different breakpoints.

  • New Page dialog prompting the user for fields related to the News Article

    NewsCenter Article Page Template

    A new page template for NewsCenter Articles has been created. This new page template creates an article with the options configured according to the preferences of the NewsCenter team. Additionally, the user is prompted for many of the fields typically used in NewsCenter articles. Full availability of this template TBD.

  • New Section dialog

    New Blank Section Template

    Created a new section template which uses the Blank Page template for the section's index. Please open a ticket in ServiceNow with "Omni CMS Blank Section" included in the description if you want this template made available in your site.

  • The Image Chooser within the Image with Caption component

    Added Size Guidance to Image with Caption Component

    Added helper text to the Image with Caption component which indicates the recommended size of the image to be used.

  • The video region on the SDSU homepage with play button

    YouTube Hero Video Fixes

    Two issues identified with using YouTube videos in the hero region of the page were fixed. Sometimes the YouTube video would fail to autoplay when the page loaded and the user would be faced with conflicting play and pause buttons. At certain browser widths on some videos, related video links would be visible.