Added support for Fixed Tags, which allows Tags to be set on a section and inherited by all of the pages in the section. For example, we no longer have to remember to add the "Omni CMS" and "Changelog" Tags to each article in this section of our site because they are now included in the /changelog section's Fixed Tags and applied to each News Article when we create them.
Note: Fixed Tags support has been implemented in a manner which should work for all uses of Tags on pages. However, the use cases tested at this time involve News Articles. If you have another use case for Fixed Tags and run into any issues, please open a "General Site/Page Update Request - Omni CMS" in ServiceNow under Request a Service > Web Services > Omni CMS.
Configure Fixed Tags
Fixed Tags are configured in a section's Tag Access settings. Only level 9+ users can edit Tag Access settings, but once it is set the only need for an administrator would be to change the Fixed Tags. We will be happy to help determine whether Fixed Tags will help in your environment and apply them as needed.
To configure Fixed Tags for a section:
Navigate to Content > Pages
Find (or navigate to) the section you want to apply the Fixed Tags to in the Pages list.
Use the More Actions (...) button for that section and select Edit > Tag Access.
Choose the desired Tags in the Fixed Tags field.
(If you want the Fixed Tags applied to existing sections within this section, use the "Apply Selected Settings To This Folder and All Enclosed Files and Folders" option and make sure "Apply Method" is set to "Add to existing tags".)
Use the Save button to apply the changes and dismiss the Tag Access Settings dialog.
Once the Fixed Tags are set in the section's Tag Access Settings, they will be applied to all pages within the section and any new pages/sections created within that section. If the Tags were not previously included on News Articles within the section, they will not appear on the website until the articles are republished.
Fixed Tags are included in the Tags field of the Page Properties/Parameters but do not include the option to remove them.