
  • Google Search Console results showing a page is not included in the sitemap

    Don't Exclude Pages from sitemap.xml

    This update changes the New Page Template for most page types to include the files in the sitemap.xml. News Articles, Faculty/Contact Profiles, Program Detail pages, and Redirects are still excluded from the sitemap.xml by default.

  • Google Search Console listing the canonical URL for the parking website with the dev- prefix

    Remove dev- Prefix from Canonical URL

    The "dev-" prefix will no longer be included in the canonical URL meta tag when pages are published from websites in development. This will prevent the need to republish all of the pages when the site goes live and the prefix is removed from the subdomain. It will also help to prevent the "dev-" subdomain from showing up in search results.

  • Updated Style for the More From link in the [News Home] Category Alternate component

    [News Home] Category Components Updated

    The [News Home] Category Alternate and [News Home] Category 3X components have been updated to modify the presentation of their "More from" links to be more consistent with each other. The CTA button was removed from the Category Alternate component and replaced with a "More from" link in the same style as the one on the [News Home] Category 3X component. Both links also feature an arrow after the link text to provide an additional visual indication that it is a link.

  • Example of the news homepage with a variety of styles for featured stories and news feeds

    News Homepage

    The News Homepage and associated components will be available when the NewsCenter migration is complete. These combine to offer a variety of new ways to feature news stories and feeds.

  • Sample accordion snippet with all panels collapsed

    Accordion Snippet's Default Expanded Panel Changed to Zero

    The Accordion snippet's Expand a Panel value was set by default to 2, causing the second panel to expand on page load. This value has been changed to 0 so that all panels are collapsed by default (which is the most common behavior).

  • Content Preview 3x Component with Two Rows

    Support for Multiple Rows Added to Content Preview 3x Component

    Added support for multiple rows to the Content Preview 3x component.

  • Profile Component Display Fields with Email, Phone, Office Outlined

    Profile Component Fixed to Hide Email, Phone, and Office When Not Selected

    Fixed a bug in the Profile component that was causing it to display the email address, phone number, and office location even when those options were not selected.

  • Content Preview 3x Component with Grey Background

    Options for Background Color Added to Content Preview 2x and 3x Components

    A new field to change the background color to either white or grey has been added to the Content Preview 2x, Content Preview 3x, and Content Preview 3x Short components.

  • icons and text over light grey background

    New Component - Fontawesome Preview 3X

    A new component has been created, enabling users to incorporate Fontawesome icons into a 3 item grid layout, in lieu of photo-based or graphic images. Component behavior is similar to the Content Preview component, in that the icon renders above an optional Title, Subtitle, and body text region.

  • author names in the byline individually linked with AP-style punctuation

    Support Multiple Authors in News Article/Listing

    The blog module has been updated to support multiple authors. If a news article has multiple authors, enter them into the Author field as a semicolon-separated list. Read the full changelog entry for additional changes and required actions.