Text / Page Content Accessibility

Avoid instructions based solely on location on the page. The location can change based on the device used to access the content or someone could edit the page to move the content and forget to update the referring content (or not even be aware that it exists). When possible, describe additional landmarks (such as headings or other structural elements) and/or link directly to the content.

Don't differentiate between items based solely on color. Consider using shapes, patterns, and text alternatives to differentiate between colors for users with low vision or color blindness, in addition to those using a screen reader or other assistive technology.

If the text (or some part of it) is not in English, markup needs to be included which indicates the language of the text. Currently, there is no direct support for this in the WYSIWYG editor, so it will require the help of an Omni CMS account administrator. If you are offering the same content in multiple languages, we recommend creating a separate section for each language, so the language can be designated at the section level and all of the supporting resources (navigation, header/footer, etc.) can be translated, as well.