Image Gallery Asset Updated to Match Component

Friday, August 2, 2024
example of the gallery component

The output of the Image Gallery asset has been updated to match the output of the Image Gallery component. This will ensure some consistency in this design element when people choose to use the asset.

Please note that using an Image Gallery asset is still not recommended.

Possible Action Required

If you have any pages which use an Image Gallery asset, they will need to be republished to update their appearance. The easiest way to accomplish this would usually be to navigate to Content > Assets, find the dropdown at the top of the page which should say "ALL TYPES" and change the selection to "Image Gallery" to filter the Asset list to only show Image Gallery assets. If any assets are displayed in the filtered list, you can republish each of the assets, which will cause the system to republish any page which is using that asset.

Another option would be to copy the DM Tag in the Asset list and use the Dependency Tag Info gadget to find the pages using that asset. This might be a good alternative if you want to preview the Image Gallery before republishing it.

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