[News Home] Category Components Updated

Monday, September 25, 2023
Updated Style for the More From link in the [News Home] Category Alternate component

The [News Home] Category Alternate and [News Home] Category 3X components have been updated to modify the presentation of their "More from" links to be more consistent with each other. The CTA button was removed from the [News Home] Category Alternate component and replaced with a "More from" link in the same style as the one on the [News Home] Category 3X component. Both links also feature an arrow after the link text to provide an additional visual indication that it is a link.

Actions Required

  • Any pages which were previously published using the [News Home] Category Alternate component will need to be republished to remove the CTA button from the published page.
  • Users may need to clear their browser cache or reload the page/CSS to see the updated link style on the [News Home] Category Alternate and [News Home] Category 3X components.
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