Support Multiple Authors in News Article/Listing

Improved readability and SEO for author links

Wednesday, July 12, 2023
author names in the byline individually linked with AP-style punctuation

The blog module has been updated to support multiple authors. If a news article has multiple authors, enter them into the Author field as a semicolon-separated list. When published, the article and listing pages, as well as components which display this information, will generate separate links for each author.

Additionally, the URLs for author links now replace spaces with hyphens (-), instead of removing the spaces. This will make these URLs more human-readable and SEO-friendly.

Actions Required

  • If you have any existing articles with multiple authors, it is recommended that you update the Author field to use a semicolon-separated list, e.g. "Author 1;Author Two;Third Author"
  • Existing articles will need to be republished regardless of the number of authors in the article, due to the change.
  • The data file for news (/_resources/data/news.pcf) will need to be republished for listing pages and components to reflect these changes.
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