How to add Snippets to your page

Snippets are a form of reusable content that users can use on any page in Modern Campus CMS. Each snippet has fields that must be filled out in order to use it. A list of all of the snippets in the Crimson templates can be found on the Crimson snippets page.

How to Access Snippets

  1. To access snippets use the puzzle piece icon (Insert Snippet button in the toolbar). 

    Screenshot of an the Modern Campus Toolbar showing the "Insert Snippet" icon.Open the image full screen.
  2. The "Choose Snippet" dialog will list all the available snippets. Once you have selected your desired snippet you may use the insert button to confirm your selection or the cancel button to exit without making changes.

    Screenshot showing the Snippets optionsOpen the image full screen.

[WYSIWYG] Content Container Snippet

This snippet will add a container to your content region that will style your content, such as paragraphs, correctly. 

If you place text in the content region without a WYSIWYG snippet it will set the text to full-width and span across the entire screen width. 


  1. To add a WYSIWYG content container use the snippet puzzle piece icon (insert snippet) which will pop up the snippet selection menu and select the WYSIWYG Content Container and use the Insert button to add it to your page.

    Screenshot showing the Choose Snippet pop up with the WYSIWYG Content Container optionOpen the image full screen.
  2. Once added you will be able to add your content to the region and it will be formatted correctly. 


Another snippet we can use on pages is the accordion snippet. 

  1. To access this snippet go to the snippet puzzle piece icon (insert snippet) to view the entire snippet library. Select the accordion and use the insert button to add it to your page.

    Screenshot showing the Choose Snippets pop up with the Accordion snippet optionOpen the image full screen.
  2. The accordion will load in the form of a table with editable regions in both columns. For the top portion you will be able to edit the information for a header, headerID, introduction text, expand a panel on load.
    • Header: An H2 heading which precedes the accordion
    • Header ID: An ID to assign to the header, usually for use in a URL fragment to link directly to the accordion. May use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes (-), and underscores (_). Do not use spaces or other special characters.
    • Introduction: Introductory text preceding the accordion
    • Expand a Panel on Load: Specify the number of a panel to expand when the page loads. (Usually set to 0 unless you specifically need a piece of content to op out)
    • Accordion Items
      • Heading: The text displayed in the link which activates the accordion item
      • Content: The content which will be displayed when the accordion item is open
      • ID: (optional) An ID to be applied to the heading. Refer to Header ID for recommended character limitations.

    Screenshot showing the accordion interface with the fields that will precede the accordionOpen the image full screen.
  3. The bottom section will have a heading and content region besides one another. Fill out the information for each section you may need.

    Screenshot showing the heading and content sections of the accordion interfaceOpen the image full screen.
    Screenshot showing the curate representation of how the information would be presented.

    Screenshot showing how each of the fields will display when the page is published.Open the image full screen.
  4. To edit the accordion you will need to use the tool bar that pops up within the accordion. We will go over the tool bar from left to right.
    • The square icon allows you to edit the table properties.
    • The square icon with an "x" allows you to delete the entire accordion.
    • The square icon with a plus "+" sign above it will allow you to insert a new row above.
    • The square icon with a plus "+" sign below it will allow you to insert a new row above.
    • The square icon with an "x" and 4 lines will allow you to delete a row.
    • The square icon with a "+" sign to the left will allow you to place a new column on the left side.
    • The square icon with a "+" sign to the right will allow you to place a new column on the right side.
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